Saturday, March 13, 2010


Evidence that the Daily Universe is Socialist (Sorry Katie, its all in good fun)

It was section day again in my TMA class on Friday. This time we were discussing the different forms of theater that developed during the Socialist Revolution in Russia. Each group was assigned to portray a recent article from the Daily Universe using one of these different forms of theater.
Constructivism was a movement that pushed for art as a practice directed towards social purposes. Through the use of biomechanical and dactile movements, the performers portrayed different parts of a machine.
Our group chose an article interviewing the Rugby team. We each took a quote from the article, and moved in robotic unison to the Rugby starting position. It was slightly thought-provoking.

I went and saw "Blood Wedding" this afternoon. Just some more avant-garde in my life I don't quite understand. Hopefully the three-page paper I have to write on it will give me some more insights.

I am still waiting to hear back from Drumlin Farm. I am really hoping I get this job, because I have basically dropped all other back-up plans except for Togo's. I hope I don't end up spending another summer at home. It would be so exciting living with Steph this summer. Colorado is the farthest east I have been. And a summer without Steph, why, its not a summer at all =]

In other news, gay man broke up with his girlfriend. We're still friends.

DC hoodies arrived last night in time for our show. We felt like a gang walking into Applebee's with all of us wearing them. I also got to call the show for my first time during the 9 o'clock. Fun stuff.

It is snowing again, hooray! It is unfortunate that this always happens on days I can't head up to the mountain.

Genesis 38 is such an entertaining chapter of scripture =]

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